Free E-book: Eliminate the Killing
Dear reader, It will not happen every day that a writer makes his work available to others for free. Nevertheless, this is such a moment. I would like to share with you my thriller on the illegal organ trade. Did you know that experts estimate that more than ten percent of all organ transplants are being illegally performed nowadays?  Short su...
While swimming or walking Caesarian on the shores off Coney Island, I am reminded that less than a year ago, my precious ocean overturned, and we were greeted by the fish and the mud, and the debris of other shores. When my beautiful granddaughter, Aria, was born and my second son married this past August, I thought about completeness. I thought GH...
A Menopausal Detective?
PrologueThe accidental killer looked around him, sweat rolling from his hairlinealong his brow in rivulets. His hands scrabbling through the sand and sheep droppings, he tried to find enough loose stones to weigh down the heavy-duty garbage bag in front of him. He swore when knife sharp shards of oyster cut his fingers. In the distance he heard the
Open Book with Envy Red & Q: Jaded Part 1
Mental illness, childhood trauma, and serial killer are the terms associated with the character Jade. Get up close and personal with Envy Red as she gives the inside scoop on the mental mayhem she calls "Jaded." FInd out what was the most troubling thing for her to pen in this psychological thriller.  Open Book was started as a forum for autho