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Among Joanne's vast book donation to me were several by Joanne Fluke, who, like Diane Mott Davidson, specializes in culinary mysteries. Her heroine, Hannah Swenson, runs a cookie shop in a small Minnesota town, and solves murders on the side. It's silly, of course, but it's meant to be fun, not high art. I just finished the twelfth in the series, T
I Speak to You of Preserving Our Past - Our History
A while ago, I wrote this article in hope of gaining support and interest in all towns and cities Historical Societies. Most are non-profit, many without aid from their own cities and towns. As I see more and more artifacts, buildings and structures from the past torn down, demolished or closed due to lack of interest or financial support of the citizens or city officials, I knew it time to do whatever I was able to stop this insanity.  This feeling of discontent has been growing and festering inside of me for the last few years and I know of no better way to release such negativity than to express my personal feelings on Preserving our History than to speak openly to you.
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Rest in peace Chief Jay Strongbow, WWF fan favorite from the '60's through the 80's. Of course, being a pro wrestler, his age is a mystery. Obits list it as anywhere from 79-83. By the way, if you don't already know, he wasn't really an Indian. He was a goombah out of Jersey, real name Joe Scarpa. And contrary to popular belief, he's not related to
They call it self defense
  For over a month I have been following and thinking about the shooting death of Trayvon Martin.  Why? Because there is something iconic in this story, something that speaks to the very heart of our society and how we as a nation think.   The facts:   A young man, a teenager, walked to the store and bought himself an iced tea and a package of cand
The issue of healthcare in a altruistic society is a rallying cry for citizens to band together for the good of all. A society that believes in the old adage “One for all and all for one!” recognizes that healthcare across the board is imperative, not merely for some but for everyone in that society, and for some to be deprived of healthcare is to
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It's been another bad week for the green movement. A123 Systems, makers of batteries, has filed for bankruptcy, taking 279 billion taxpayer dollars with it. I guess it's time to fire up the government printing press once again. Hey, it's only money. And the bad news wasn't restricted to the U.S.. A fourth solar energy manufacturer has gone belly up
Who did it best??
         Walter Washington, Marion Barry, Sharon Pratt Kelly, Anthony Williams, Adrian Fenty. The one thing all of these people have in common, the have had the privilege of being the Mayor of the nation’s capital, Washington DC. All were elected by the citizens of the city to lead DC into great things. They all promised many things that they were
A Child of An Abuser
Dear Daddy, As you may have already guessed, somebody said something to me that made me sit back and reflect. They said I worshipped you. Made you seem like a better man than you really were. That hurt my soul. That hurt my heart. Ultimately I am a daddy’s little girl. But I would like to think that through my writing I show nothing but complete ho
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It was a gorgeous day, not a cloud anywhere, the temperature mild, negating the effects of the breeze. Political Man stopped by the floating bookshop, telling me about his trip to the dentist. It wasn't long before he went into full campaign mode, telling each person passing: "Four more years, tax the rich, keep women's rights." He attracted a Russ
I Go Where I Want To Go
In the aftermath of a painful truth about the death of an American boy on an American shore, I taught my racial psychology class, and the irony did not escape us last night. It is in the pre-holiday spirit where the teacher does not want to teach; the students do not want to learn. Early dismissal and goodbye. But it just doesn't go down that way. ...
Cron Job Starts