A Sip of Fear, by Brian Rush, is a sort of contemporary urban fantasy set on the streets of Seattle. The year is deliberately unspecified, but you can easily imagine the events playing out today anywhere in the world. Having briefly lived in Seattle, part of the charm for me was the occasional sense of recognition of the places visited. However, th
Today I am welcoming Suzanne Adair to an author interview. I first came across Suzanne's writing at the end of last year, and have been getting more familiar with it since. I have previously reviewed Hostage to Heritage and Camp Follower. She writes about the American War of Independence, so an interview for July 4th seemed perfect! Q. Suzanne, wha
Written as one of “The Review Group” Review Volunteers, see http://thereview2014.blogspot.co.uk It is a very long time since I read a Western. Back in school we had Shane as a class book, and from the same era (and I'm showing my age here) I was a keen watcher of the two television series The Virginian and The High Chaparral. But since those long-a
Today I am welcoming David Frauenfelder to an author interview. Up to now I have been staying this side of the Atlantic for these interviews, but it’s time to go across the pond now. I first came across David’s writing towards the end of 2013, and have been following as he has tackled a couple of different genres.    Reviews: Skater in a
Today I am delighted to welcome Paula Lofting to the blog, who has kindly answered a number of interview questions. Some while ago now I reviewed Sons of the Wolf (http://richardabbott.authorsxpress.com/2014/01/04/sons-of-the-wolf-a-review/), but as you read on you will find out lots of other things about Paula. Q. Hi Paula, could you first give us
Today I am delighted to welcome Antoine Vanner to the blog, who has kindly answered a number of interview questions. This is a follow-on to my review of Britannia’s Shark (http://richardabbott.authorsxpress.com/2015/02/05/review-britannias-shark-by-antoine-vanner/)  a few days ago Antoine is the author of (to date) three novels on the life and
This week sees the release of  in Kindle and softcover versions – preorder is available now and delivery will be shortly after. I have already posted various snippets from the story, so today I thought I would bring these together into the four strands which make up the whole. Refugees from Ikaret – Anilat and her husband Tadugari, their three
For the full review please see my blog article at http://richardabbott.authorsxpress.com/2013/08/20/review-across-the-waters-of-time-pliny-remembered/ - these are short extracts taken from the full article highlighting the main points. I came away from Ken Parejko’s Across the Waters of Time: Pliny Remembered with very mixed feelings