PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property SocialSSO::$string is deprecated in /home/authorsinfo/public_html/administrator/components/com_easysocial/includes/dependencies.php on line 123 Domestic Violence - Author's Info Blog

PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property SocialFileCache::$_urlFileHeaderCreated is deprecated in /home/authorsinfo/public_html/media/com_easysocial/cache/45e5d516a83341ca921fe20e61870119-cache.php on line 3
Do We Inspect What We Expect?

PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\Registry\Registry::$default is deprecated in /home/authorsinfo/public_html/libraries/vendor/joomla/registry/src/Registry.php on line 937
PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property plgContentLayerslideshow::$context is deprecated in /home/authorsinfo/public_html/plugins/content/layerslideshow/layerslideshow.php on line 38Everyone would like a long lasting, loving relationship. Unfortunately, there's more trial and error, followed by separation. Was it them or was it us? We tend to blame the latter. Nonetheless, we have to ask ourselves, "Do we inspect what we expect?" When we're not in love and completely satisfied with ourselves, yet seeking happiness outside of o

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