These are some useful strategy that I have used during my job search. Hopefully they are useful to all of us. I will keep adding more to the list each week. if you have any suggestions email them to me at daliza_
1.If possible educate yourself on the field of work that you want to obtain before you start searching for work
2.See if there are any certificates or licenses that will help you get the job or earn more money if you already have a job
3.Network in anyway that you can, online and offline.
4. Ask questions to your family members, friends, co-workers, past employers and look with in your community within the churches, community centers.
5.Search for Job Banks in your neighborhood, they have listings of jobs available at the work force one offices in your city or state.
6.Get in touch with your borough, city or state governor or president offices and see what jobs are available to you in those offices.
7.Go to as many business around your home and other towns you visit and ask to see the job recruiter or hiring manager and submit your resume to them with a cover letter, if they are not hiring ask to be kept on files for further consideration.
8.Always keep a working number or message number.
9.Have a sample application with you when you apply for jobs and your references letter or reference person number.
10.Always be prepared with 2 pens and a note pad to enable you to take notes before and after your interviews.
11.Look for all local newspaper ads because they varies on jobs available and always look for detail on the instructions on how to submit your resume and to whom. Follow instructions because, that shows the employer that you know how to follow directions.
12.Have a personal business email such as:
13.Always be dressed for success because you never know who you will meet and when opportunity will show its face.
14. Always be prepared with at least 10 copies of your resume with you at all times and also on an UBS drive just in the case you go out job hunting and you run out.
15.Always greet the people you meet for interviews with a genuine smile and a firm hand shake.
16.Always follow up the jobs you are interviewed with a thank you letter and call to see the status on your application sometimes persistence helps the employer know you are really interested in working for their company.
17.If you have any gaps on your resume as far as the years be ready to explain the gaps and detain from saying that you quit or anything negative about your previous employer.
18.Always call to reschedule if you are not going to make it the day before.
19.Try to get plenty of rest the night before your interview so, you can be refreshed and ready for the day.
20.Do as much research about the company before you go to the interview. Impress them when they ask what do you know about this company.
21.Ask questions to the recruiter to hiring manager, when they ask if you have any questions.
22.Obtain a business card from everyone that you interview with or give resume to for follow up.
23.Keep a positive attitude and speak positive in every interview even when they ask about your weaknesses.
24.Do not bring your personal problems to the job interview.
25.Do not tell the job recruiter that you want to have their job.
26. Never talk bad about your last employer, reserve your thought they might be affiliated.
27.Do not bring any one to the interview not your kids, friend, spouse.
28. Always consider other option about obtaining a job, if is not the job that you want then look for something of your liking.
29. If you live in a state or city that offers metro cards get unlimited metro cards so that you are able to travel more.
30.Do not feel discouraged. If you don't get a call back from the last interview and don't think of it as a failure, think of it as one step closer to obtaining the job of your dreams, when one door closes another one opens.
Thank you for reading !!!