Chicagoland Author

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Jessica Cage
Chicagoland Author




I was born and raised in Chicago, IL. Writing has always been something of a passion of mine. It was a form of escape for a young introvert. I dabble in artistic creations of all sorts. That is the outcome of growing up in an artistic family. Everyone had a skill that they like to explore. For me, no matter how many mediums I tried out, at the end of the day, it’s the pen that my hand itches to hold. I had never considered following my dream to be a writer because I was told "There is no money in writing." So I chose the path most often traveled. I went to school for a year and a half as a Business major. After I realized that it wasn't the path for me I decided to get a little life experience. Now working at my day job in a law office, I look at my two year old son and ask myself, how will I be able to inspire him to follow his dreams, reach for the stars, if I never had the guts to do it myself. I had to do something, not only for him but for myself. I just was not happy. I jumped into self-publishing a little too fast and stepped back to reevaluate things. It took a while but now things are really taking off for me and I am closer to that happiness I am seeking. I dabbled in freelance journalism and I am currently re-enrolling in school. I am terrified yet thrilled to finally feel like I know where I want to go in my life. So here I am, age 25, unleashing the plethora of characters and their crazy adventurous worlds into the realm of readers. Hoping to inspire not only my son but myself. I am inviting the world to tag along on my journey to become the writer I have always wanted to be.

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