Phoenix C. Brown

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Juanesia Walker
Phoenix C. Brown (Author)
Phoenix C. Brown (Author)
Phoenix C. Brown


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Phoenix C. Brown is the author of two contemporary fiction novels, Beautifully Imperfect and All that Matters in the End and two short stories, Damaged Goods (urban) and Tangled (erotica). She is a California native who spread her childhood between two cities that she loves; Long Beach and Riverside. Growing up she was a shy person who spent a lot of her time reading and writing. She credits her high school teacher, Erin Gruwell, as the person who lit the fire under her to eventually publish her novels. After she was rejected by a few publishing companies she refused to let them telling her "no" deter her from her dreams. She believes that God has a purpose for her and all she wants to do is fulfill it. Her advice to other inspiring authors/writers is to keep the faith and never give up on your dreams because if it's for you...then HE will make a way. She resides in Anaheim, Ca with her husband and two sons.

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