In the 5th installment of The Love, Lies & Lust Series, Octavia and Damon are back and more in love than ever. Together they ve seen their share of death and destruction. Now, with the conviction of Octavia s abductor, their lives can finally return to normal. However, there is nothing normal about being a Whitmore and trouble always seems to surface when it's least expected. When the unthinkable happens, Octavia is faced with her most devastating tragedy yet and slips into a pit of depression where her mind seems to be her number one enemy and maintaining her sanity is slowly becoming a losing battle. There is nothing Damon won t do for Octavia but there are some things even his love and money can t repair. The more he attempts to console her, the further she pushes him away. What is a man to do when giving his all is just not enough? As the drama unfolds, Octavia and Damon are reminded that life is far from a fairy tale and very few people get their own happily ever after.
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No Ordinary Love
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Mz Robinson
August 22, 2022
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No Ordinary Love
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Published Date:
January 25, 2013
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