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A Hard Man is Good To Find

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MC Updated August 22, 2022
A Hard Man is Good To Find (cover)
A Hard Man is Good To Find (back cover)
A Hard Man is Good To Find


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January 06, 2011
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MICHELLE LARSEN has found a man straight out of a romance novel–handsome, fit, educated, and pulling in a six-figure income. Despite the exceptional qualities and his obvious interest in her, things are moving too slow between them. Unlike most men who can’t wait to get in her pants, this particular man refuses to take things to the next level.

DARYL JACKSON has grown tired of the nightclub scene and wants to settle down, but he has a secret that always seems to interrupt any potential love connection once he reveals it. He believes Michelle is the ideal woman, but can she handle the truth?

After six weeks of dating, and still no attempt from him to get her “horizontal,” Michelle grows sex-starved. She is driving herself crazy trying to figure out Daryl’s problem! During a weekend getaway in Palm Springs, Michelle finally puts an end to the what’s-wrong-with-Daryl guessing game and demands to know what’s up. Not only does Daryl answer all her questions, Michelle learns first hand that you really need to be careful with what you wish for!


15.  A Hard Man is Good To Find by James W. Lewis

Editor review

1 review
A Hard Man is Good To Find
(Updated: February 14, 2025)
Overall rating
Cover Art
Story Development
Character Development
Punctuation, Grammar
Poetic Language
Once again, Mr. Lewis dropped some insightful knowledge on me and this was one for the record books because I did not see that coming at all. When I first heard what his problem was I wondering what the problem was, most women would kill for that. But then, you broke it down and I saw it for what it was and learned that people have different experiences with this problem. What I really loved about the book was that you didn't see it through his eyes, but through a young lady that was having a bad string of luck in that area.

You meet Michelle Larsen personally and when I say that I mean she is letting you walk in her shoes and experience her journey as she is going through it. You see her dating life and let me tell you, it's not all that good. In fact, it's really bad ranging in going the wrong direction and just way to smelly for me. You want to know more about her rejects then go ahead and click on my store to read for yourself. She later on realizes that she needs to give the men population a break and work on herself.

A few pounds lighter and the confidence of a diva, she later on realizes that she needs that she wants to jump back on the bandwagon of dating men and fate makes it easy on her and she sees Daryl Jackson moving into her apartment complex and their awkward moment made me turn a smile on them because they were obviously feeling each other and learn the traditional way just how much they have in common. Being on sex drought for close to three months, Michelle is trying to get into something sexual with Daryl on the first date, but gets stopped short, by Daryl and his reason would have been good enough for me.

Not for Ms. Larsen though. I laughed from one of those good places for me because I pictured most women doing this when they look at a good thing forming between a good man. They see this great guy ready to give them the world and they are waiting for the other shoe to drop. Their first date was memorable to me because it showed their passion for one another then their restraint which led to more dates. You finally get the big reveal at the end and I was laughing so hard at the library because once she found out his problem she became an amazon and just lost it but learned some harsh consequences.

What I loved about this book was really the flow of how the author made this book. There were no damsels in distress or men with secret that could destroy relationship. This was about a man and woman and their journey on getting to know another. It was very comedic and romantic and worth the read. Great sophomore book Mr. Lewis.
15.  A Hard Man is Good To Find by James W. Lewis
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