Unspoken Promises

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2015 0 1 1
Mz Robinson
Updated August 22, 2022
Unspoken Promises (cover)
Unspoken Promises


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April 03, 2015
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Maia Star Livingston had known her share of heartache and loss before she reached adulthood. Growing up with a mother, who was broken by love, Maia swore to herself that she would never fall victim to a man. However, life teaches us subtle lessons and one of them is to never say never.
Maia knew the moment she laid eyes on Junior, that she should run for the hills and that he would be her beginning and her end. The more she tried to fight the feelings he ignited, the more she found herself falling deeper in love.
Junior Sutton lived life reckless and free, constantly making rash decisions and ignoring the consequences and feelings of others. Junior was an untamed spirit, until the day he met Maia. Soon he would find himself engaged in battle between his pride and the desires of his heart.

When tragedy strikes and their lives are changed inevitably will they find the strength and courage to hold on? Or will life and circumstances rip them apart forever?

Travel along through this heart wrenching tale of love, pain and struggle. Follow Maia and Junior on their journey, as they discover that sometimes “Unspoken Promises”, provide the most hope.

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