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Crescent City (An Alec Winters Series, Book 1)

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CK Updated August 22, 2022
Crescent City (An Alec Winters Series, Book 1) (cover)
Crescent City (An Alec Winters Series, Book 1)

Book Details

New Orleans
Published Format:
Published Date:
March 30, 2015
Age Group:
18 and Up
Edition Language:
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Often, perpetrators don’t get punished for their atrocious crimes. In New Orleans, Alec Winters gives these sexual predators exactly what they deserve. Read about the retribution this angel/demon extracts in chilling, horrible detail. Not suitable for readers under the age of seventeen. Crescent City, the first book in the Alec Winters Series, takes place in New Orleans, Louisiana. Alec Winters quietly moves through the Crescent City looking for predators—those who destroy and prey on innocence. Trained in close-hand combat, he uses these skills when necessary to kill the offenders. Sometimes, his military training isn't needed at all. Sometimes, the only thing it takes to end the lives of wicked, evil men is one look at him. After two suspicious murders in only a short time, the main problem Alec faces in his quest of redemption is a nosy reporter. Vivien Simon came to the metropolitan area to do a series on the effects of Hurricane Katrina—with crime rates on the rise, her interests are drawn to the seedier aspects of the city. She’s hoping to get the story that will make her career. When she discovers that both murder victims were pedophiles, Vivien begins a newspaper and blog campaign that frightens parents and turns the city upside down. Some say the perpetrator of the murders is an angel while others insist it’s a devil. With contrasting accounts, Vivien wonders if a vigilante is on the loose—or worse, a serial killer. She’s hell-bent on discovering the truth, but her persistence and stubbornness might bring her closer to death and damnation than she ever imagined. No one can stop the Angel of God…and they wouldn't want to get in his way as he metes out the punishment deserved. Continue this thrilling adventure as Alec travels to Mobile, Alabama in Port City, Book 2. ***Author’s Note: This novel includes A for Angel-Avenger; D for Demon-Destroyer; E for Explicit; G for Graphic and Gritty; L for Language; M for Murder and Mayhem; P for Punishment of Pedophiles and Rapist; R for Retribution; V for Vengeance and Violence. Often, perpetrators don’t get punished for their atrocious crimes. Alec Winters gives these sexual predators exactly what they deserve. Official Review, 4 of 4 stars: "What really impressed me was the manner in which the author explains the psychology of victims of sex crimes. The author drives home the point that often sex crimes, like pedophilia, are more about control than about actual physical violation."

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