A Place No One Should Go

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DL Havlin
Updated August 22, 2022
A Place No One Should Go (cover)
A Place No One Should Go


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November 01, 2013
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Canoeing into the Florida wilderness is a near weekend ritual for the Callison family. Even the youngest of their three children at five years old knows how to safely navigate the dangers of the wild. But what happens when the wilderness they are required to traverse is contained within a man’s soul? Ben Callison and his family’s latest camping trip takes a strange and sinister twist when they meet a mysterious Indian where they elect to pitch their tent. The Seminole warns Ben he’s camped in a place that evil calls home. Is the terror that lurks there a resident of the mound Ben’s camped on or does it reside within him?

Ben must find out if the shapeless dread he faces is from within or without, and if he makes it out alive, does anyone ever really return from A Plane No One Should Go?

"Once in an eon, along comes a book that changes the way I live. Havlin’s masterful novella is such a book. I’ll never again canoe on an unfamiliar creek or go camping. I’ll never be out after dark. I’ll never entertain the delusion that carrying a concealed weapon will protect me from evil. I will, however, be moving from Florida immediately to somewhere safe like Iowa. Keana-eno-pa-watchee – A Place No One Should Go is a story that everyone should read … with lights on." – Bev Browning, Anhinga Writers’ Studio.

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