Forgiven. Not Forgotten

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Dominique Wilkins
Updated August 22, 2022
Forgiven. Not Forgotten (cover)
Forgiven. Not Forgotten (back cover)
Forgiven. Not Forgotten

Book Details

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Published Date:
May 13, 2013
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Joy Pembrooke tries her best to be a good person and do the right things, but when she marries Kenny, who she absolutely loves, she gets confused. She was sure that he loved her as much as she loved him, but when Kenny walks into the house on her and another man, she wonders what's so hard about understanding that he's just a friend? Kenny becomes so angry and outraged with distrust. She doesn't understand where it comes from. Now he's saying that he's got a friend too - but is she really just a friend? Pretty soon, things get deep and quick. Find out how much will Joy accept to bring the love back into her marriage. She wants to forgive him, so they can move on and be happy again, but she's having a lot of trouble forgetting. How do you forget when someone gives you a gift that you never wanted? The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 7:10: "To the married I give this charge (not I, but the Lord): The wife should not separate from her husband." He cheated and she knows it. Through it all, she loves him and wants to forgive him, but will it work if she can't forget?

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