The Audacity of You!

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Dominique Wilkins
Updated August 22, 2022
The Audacity of You! (cover)
The Audacity of You! (back cover)
The Audacity of You!

Book Details

Published Format:
Published Date:
October 30, 2014
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"The Audacity of You!" outlines situations of human inconsideration. Through a series of anecdotes, author Dominique Wilkins explores real-life scenarios where the victim’s response could only be, “The audacity of you!”

While the book has the potential to deteriorate into a rant about perceived slights and offenses, instead it takes a lighthearted look at the stories of those who dared such behavior. Readers will identify with, laugh at, and shake their heads when they read about Eugene’s experience with a fellow gambler’s lack of loyalty, or miserly Ernesha who refuses to share, but constantly expects handouts from others. The nerviest tale may be of seventy-two-year-old May who shovels her driveway while younger neighbors look on and then take advantage of her labor!

These and many other stories will leave you shaking your head in disbelief and muttering, “The Audacity of You!” Dominique Wilkins has used actual events to demonstrate the extent of human’s rudeness, inconsideration, and downright unkindness toward friends, family, and neighbors. You’ll identify with the stories and want to contribute a “The Audacity of You!” tale or two from your own experiences. Indeed, the appeal of this book lies in the fact that we’ve all been there. Whether you read either one scenario at a time or cover to cover, “The Audacity of You!” will leave you shaking your head in disbelief but chuckling too!

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