Fire (Crystal of Infinity Book 1)

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Raven Anxo
Updated August 22, 2022
Fire (Crystal of Infinity Book 1) (cover)
Fire (Crystal of Infinity Book 1)

Book Details

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Published Date:
May 28, 2015
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Ruby – bearer of what she calls a “curse” and hunted because of it. Always on the move for fear of being discovered, reluctant to trust anyone due to a past betrayal. Galen – an angel sent to find the one who holds within them a fragment of a powerful crystal, and protect them at all costs.

Brought together in a world almost destroyed by war, their personalities clash as Galen tries to get Ruby to do what he says, while she insists on sticking with her own plan.

With one after them who will stop at nothing to gain what Ruby holds, will they manage to not only put their differences aside but also deal with their growing feelings for one another…before it’s too late.

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