Godly Inspirations for the Troubled Soul

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LC Updated August 22, 2022
Godly Inspirations for the Troubled Soul (cover)
Godly Inspirations for the Troubled Soul


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Published Date:
October 11, 2006
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Godly Inspirations for the Troubled Soul
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This book is a compilation of prose and poetry that I have written over the last twenty years. THese are all stories that are relevant to my life and hopefully will bring you as much peace and contentment as they have brought me. All these stories are of a spiritual nature and have helped me define my life as a christian. I will be also publishing a collection of general prose and poetry in the near future.
I mainly write from life's experiences. I write through my pain, loneliness and happiness. I live on paper. I pour my heart and tears out on the paper. I didn't realize until recently I am very transparent which helps people to be able to relate to my writings rather easily. I need to feel the emotion as I am writing about or it comes off as flat and unbelievable. If the event has happened to me or around me and is important enough that I feel it intensely then I can write about it without it coming off as fake.

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