The Goddess Inheritance (A Goddess Test Novel)

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The Goddess Inheritance (cover)
The Goddess Inheritance (back cover)
The Goddess Inheritance (A Goddess Test Novel)
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Published Date:
February 26, 2013
Original Title:
The Goddess Inheritance
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Love or life. Henry or their child. The end of her family or the end of the world. Kate must choose. During nine months of captivity, Kate Winters has survived a jealous goddess, a vengeful Titan and a pregnancy she never asked for. Now the Queen of the Gods wants her unborn child, and Kate can't stop her--until Cronus offers a deal. In exchange for her loyalty and devotion, the King of the Titans will spare humanity and let Kate keep her child. Yet even if Kate agrees, he'll destroy Henry, her mother and the rest of the council. And if she refuses, Cronus will tear the world apart until every last god and mortal is dead. With the fate of everyone she loves resting on her shoulders, Kate must do the impossible: find a way to defeat the most powerful being in existence, even if it costs her everything.

Editor review

1 review
The Goddess Inheritance
(Updated: November 06, 2014)
Overall rating
Cover Art
Story Development
Character Development
Punctuation, Grammar
Poetic Language
As I sit here writing this review I am so saddened because this is the last book in the trilogy that I have grown to love. When I first started reading this series I could not get enough of Henry, Ava, James and Calliope and of course our girl Kate. Kate suffered so much between having to move to a new place and her mother passing away to finding out the truth of what she was and what her mother is.

As we set out on Kate's Journey she is put through a series of tests and every test she has taken she has passed. She is determined to love Henry and give him what he wants and what he needs. All the women that have tried to get close to Henry have ended up dead and everyone is curious to see if Kate can pass the tests. So it is no surprise that Kate passes all the tests and wins her man Henry but trouble is lurking and brewing from someone on the council. Someone that wants Henry for herself. She has hatched a plan and blackmails others into doing her bidding to hurt Kate.

So In Inheritance we finally get to see what Calliope and Cronus want from Kate. Calliope has always wanted Henry and she will stop at nothing to have her man and if that includes killing Kate and the baby she is carrying then she will do that. Cronus The Titan King also wants something of Henry's and that is Kate. When Kate showed him compassion and love it triggered something in him that causes him to want Kate at any cost. So when Calliope kidnaps her with the help of one of the council members Cronus stays by her side during her pregnancy.

As things start to unfold and let me tell you things get popping in this book once all the secrets and lies are uncovered. Henry is furious with the council and he is super pissed off at Cronus and he is deciding what to do about getting Kate back. Henry knows his brothers and sisters want him to fight in the war against Cronus but he has taken his stand and he refuses to get caught up in the war.

Kate is in captivity but she does have one person with her and that is Ava. Ava is there to watch over her and her baby while Calliope decides what she is going to do with Kate. Kate has made up her mind and she decides that once she has her child she will flee and come back with the council to get her baby back and destroy Cronus and Calliope. What happens next is the wildest ride ever that I have read in a final book and I will not ruin it but I will say this. Kate has the baby will she get him back? What will Henry do for his child and Kate? What will James do in order to save Kate the woman he loves? What will happen to Calliope and Cronus? What will happen with Ava and the council?

This is a must read for everyone! Thank you Aimee Carter for the best series I have ever read!

If you love mythology you will love this series.

Pros & Cons

The only con to this book is it is the last book in the series and I am so going to miss it. I will miss Henry AKA Hades and I will miss Kate.
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