Say What?! 'What' You Say is Your Future!

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LC Updated August 22, 2022
Say What?! 'What' You Say is Your Future! (cover)
Say What?! 'What' You Say is Your Future! (back cover)
Say What?! 'What' You Say is Your Future!
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December 11, 2012
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The Story Behind This Book
Back in the early 2000's I was experiencing a major setback in all areas of my life. Over several months I heard 3 verses from Isaiah 60 that began to give me hope and thought further study of the full chapter was needed. I broke the words down from the Strong's and crafted a daily confession from the whole chapter. It is something that has helped me focus on God's good during those early and subsequent hard times. I attribute many of the positive changes experienced through the years to the words that I've spoken over my life in good times and bad.

‘Say What?!’ ‘What’ You Say is Your Future!

Men and women everywhere are wondering how they can change the direction of their lives. ‘What’ you say is important. ‘What’ you say reflects what is going on inside of you at heart level. Pressures from the outside can create havoc in our minds and emotion….this is the book that can help you make that change.

Kenneth Copeland , Joyce Meyer, and Joel Osteen on the Biblical front, and others like Napolean Hill, Vic Conant, Og Mandino and Zig Ziglar on the business front all speak of and use of daily confessions or affirmations to exercise their spirits and to empower themselves (build themselves up) for success.

Successful daily affirmations (or confessions) can be crafted right from the pages of the biggest selling book of all time….The Bible. This book tells how positive confession and directed action brings about success and ‘turn around’ in every area of your life….stress elimination, relationships, finance, decision making, business, health and so much more.

In this book Linda Newberry shows you how she crafted this Bible based confession (one of many) and why this one covers nearly every aspect of your life in God’s undying promise of victory and success. She explains in detail the message in the scripture from the Hebrew definition and how she translated that into a modern day working affirmation.

This approximately -200 page book isn’t just a good read but a profitable one for the person ready to take action.

Get your copy today.

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