An Olympic Story, a dream betrayed.
The Olympics begins in a few weeks amid the pageantry of spectacle that will have many of us glued to our television set. London seems to be a wonderful place to hold this event. For Jews, though, the Olympics are a place in which bad things have happened. We cannot celebrate fully; Munich and the death of Israeli athletes must be with us like shat...
Possessing Your Goals Like an Olympian
Like millions around the world, I have found myself huddled in front of my television over the past few days watching the lightening fast coverage of the London Olympics. The 30th run of the Olympiad is already packed with intense competition, realized defeat and examples of overcoming hardships. Whether you’re rooting for the Dutch, Croatia, Brazi
March Madness, Are You On The Bubble?
It’s that time of the year again! A feverish pace comes upon the sports world while all eyes turn towards colligate basketball in hopes of witnessing history. From Nebraska, to Gonzaga, Connecticut and Florida; everyone wants to know if they have their ‘brackets’ in order to track this year’s upset. You even see evidence of March Madness in stores
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