FROM SHH! GOD IS TRYING TO TELL YOU SOMETHING   I know you've been a little distressed lately about your walk with Me. All is well. Be patient and continue to press your way through the uneasiness that you feel. I have seen the doubts lingering in your mind, and the ways that the enemy has tried to bring confusion into your life. Do not worry
FROM  "SHH! GOD IS TRYING TO TELL YOU SOMETHING"   It is time for us to get busy and be obedient to the things the Lord has given us to do.  Those things  we have  put off with  the  intentions  of doing  someday should be done now. Getting around to it and having good intentions are not the same as walk
"I had been in somewhat of a spiritual slump when I was asked to review Shh...God's Trying to Tell You Something: Speak Lord, I'm Listening, the new devotional journal by Christian author Shearon Hurst. Well, it was just what the Great Physician ordered to heal me from the blues and rekindle my passion to perform God's work and will. In a voic
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