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Get Started On Your Dream
It is time for us to get busy and be obedient to the things the Lord has given us to do. Those things we have put off with the intentions of doing someday should be done now. Getting around to it and having good intentions are not the same as walking in obedience. Obedience means we have completed the task the Lord asked us to do. I encourage you this day to get started moving in the right direction. Yes, get started moving in a positive direction; only speak positive things about yourself and into your life.
Believe God can use you. Do not allow the enemy to cast his spirit of fear upon you. The Lord didnʹt give you a spirit of fear. Keep your eyes on the vision, don't look back, and don't give up. Enter into a spirit of praise and thanksgiving, and begin to get excited about what the Lord is doing in your life. Keep your eyes on the vision and prayerfully move toward your goals daily. Remember, visions don't always come to pass overnight, therefore, be patient, and just keep moving. Move beyond what your natural eyes can see.
There will be times when everything will seem to be at a standstill, and in the natural, it will look like all hope is gone. However, that is the time to press your way and keep your eyes on the Lord. Stand knowing you are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. Lean on the Lord for strength to fight the good fight of faith. His grace is more than enough to see you through. The Lord wants you to receive all the blessings He has for you. Take steps in obedience towards your vision, and don't ever quit.
Donʹt just have good intentions, be a doer of the Word. Push your way past the doubt, the hurt, and the pain. The only thing that will stop the blessing God has for you is you! If you stop believing and trusting in His promises, you will miss the blessing. Put the enemy under your feet. God has given you the authority to tread upon the enemy. Go after the vision the Lord gave you in the power of His name. Shout it from the mountaintop! This is it! Enough is enough! I can do all things through Christ Jesus, who strengthens me. Let nothing stand in your way!
Now, let's get started on that dream!
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