As a child Promise Brown lived the life that every girl in the ghetto would have loved to live. Her parents, Sweet Pea and Biggs, were the head of a fledging drug empire that stretched from coast to coast. They were way passed hood rich but refused to leave the hood—the same place that contributed to their downfall. The hood bred jealousy and envy
BIG JOE HAMMER by Salvatore Buttaci
BIG JOE HAMMER DR0VE THIS CAR BUT THE HAT HE WORE ON HIS HEAD Yuh want my real name or duh one duh guys gimme back on Grand Street when I wuz twelve or doiteen? My mudder give me names long as yuh arm! "Where dja dig 'em up?" I used  tuh tease de ol‘ lady.. Back in a Ol' Country––Sicily––dey han’ out names  like candy: da more da sweeta.   Dey name