PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property SocialSSO::$string is deprecated in /home/authorsinfo/public_html/administrator/components/com_easysocial/includes/dependencies.php on line 123 Promotional Courtesy - Author's Info Blog

PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property SocialFileCache::$_urlFileHeaderCreated is deprecated in /home/authorsinfo/public_html/media/com_easysocial/cache/45e5d516a83341ca921fe20e61870119-cache.php on line 3
Professional Marketing Courtesy - Do You Possess It?

PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\Registry\Registry::$default is deprecated in /home/authorsinfo/public_html/libraries/vendor/joomla/registry/src/Registry.php on line 937
PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property plgContentLayerslideshow::$context is deprecated in /home/authorsinfo/public_html/plugins/content/layerslideshow/layerslideshow.php on line 38This article is written not to offend but to open your eyes and mind to possibilities.  In the time I've been writing articles, short stories, novels and poetry, along with hosting a weekly radio show, I've seen human nature up close. I've found a few, and I must emphasize 'few' artists, business owners and service providers who believe in reciprocating the time and effort others take in sharing their information.

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