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Professional Marketing Courtesy - Do You Possess It?
This article is written not to offend but to open your eyes and mind to possibilities.
In the time I've been writing articles, short stories, novels and poetry, along with hosting a weekly radio show, I've seen human nature up close. I've found a few, and I must emphasize 'few' artists, business owners and service providers who believe in reciprocating the time and effort others take in sharing their information.
Why is this, I ask? Has society come to the point of such self-absorption that the majority believe the world revolves solely around their needs, their wants, their aspirations? Have parents failed to teach the importance of respect, commitment, integrity and contribution?
I've heard it all..."I don't have enough time", "I have a family and a job to attend to", "My dog just threw up", "I don't fee well". Some excuses make me chuckle, while others are downright ridiculous. Because the truth, no matter how you try to sugar coat it, is if you wish to do anything in life, you will make the time to do it.
So, is it right to expect others to be supportive of your personal endeavors - you know the people - those who will 'like' your articles, comment on them, take the time to share your book, articles, blogs, web-sites, products and services with others, yet YOU do absolutely nothing in return. Not even a thank you or acknowledgment.
Why I write this is to tell you that taking a few minutes in your hectic life to appreciate the people who are just as busy, if not busier, than you will bring you the greatest exposure, long term relationships and most of all, personal and professional respect.
Think of it this way - let's say you sign up to a site, a group or a blog, tell the members about yourself, perhaps send out a few friend requests, then you do nothing or almost nothing to continue these new relationships. What do you think will happen? The new contacts may read an article or blog of yours and share it with others, but that will not last long if you are not professional and caring enough to reciprocate. Basically, you are then wasting not only your time but that of your new acquaintances. Why would anyone wish to do this? It would certainly fail to draw those to you and would leave a rather bad taste in many people's mouth. They may feel used, foolish or a bit upset.
But....what if you actually responded to their communications, events, invitations? What do you think would happen? Of course! You don't need to be a rocket scientist to realize the fact they would appreciate your efforts and give back to you, as you have to them.
Smart Marketing? Yes! Professional behavior? Absolutely!
Once you realize there is more in this world than merely YOU, it will open the doors for others to get to know you, your talents, your abilities, your personality and they may be able to assist you more than you ever dreamed. Just by taking a bit of time to share, comment, and appreciate the new connections you have made. For if you do not do this, these supporters and Fans of yours will drop to the wayside like a hot potato.
Smart Marketing? Of course not. Professional behavior? You be the judge.
Let me leave you with this wise quote to consider:
Respect a man, and he will do all the more.
John Wooden
I know I will continue to give 100% to those who are serious about promoting and marketing, and in turn, I will continue to grow such wonderful relationships with those 'gems' who care and share with me.
Looking forward to you being one of these special people!
Monica M Brinkman,
Author, The Turn of of the Karmic Wheel
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