PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property SocialSSO::$string is deprecated in /home/authorsinfo/public_html/administrator/components/com_easysocial/includes/dependencies.php on line 123Dishing out the dirt on an old Afrikan dish. - Author's Info Blog PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property SocialResponsive::$string is deprecated in /home/authorsinfo/public_html/administrator/components/com_easysocial/includes/dependencies.php on line 123
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Oana, if you love doughnuts then let me take you to the motherland. Recently my kids grandmother and I was looking through the cupboards for a crock pot to deep fry some chickens when she introduced me to some of her old cook books. At first I knocked them because these where cookbooks her church published. I'm a member of the Nation of Gods and Earths so anything from a Christian church I pay no attention to. Then I continued on reading some of these 19th/20th century recipes to find some nice recipes. Then Nanna (kids grandmother) asked me if I ever had monkey bread. Monkey Bread? That's what I said. Then Nanna went on telling me about this "monkey bread". She told me that her mother made it all the time for holidays and white folks back then loved it to death. I thought it was an European dish but nope. I'm from New Orleans Louisiana, land of the big booties and creole cuisine. I can cook most of these dishes myself but my family never had this monkey bread. It's really soft dinner rolls layered together with butter to create a butter roll tree. I noticed all of her cook books had a monkey bread recipe in them. I'm like damn, it must not be that good if I haven't heard of it yet. So I did my research to find out this dish is traditionally called Afrikan Coffee Cake. Then I remembered that New Orleans has a dish called Afrikan Coffee Cake that was Christianized for a Christian holiday, Fat Tuesday. This particular dish is the signature piece for the Mardi Gras celebration, the King Cake. I can make a King Cake because my mother taught it me but like most American bred Afrikans our culture and traditions were stolen and outlawed to practice so my momma didn't tell me the origins, just the recipe. So now here in DC my kids are like what is this King Cake or Monkey Bread. After giving them a factual history lesson I decided to make it for them. The first picture is my first attempt made with just sugar, cinnamon, brown sugar, butter and store bought biscuits. It was gone in one day. So I decided to make another one with some Creole "stank" on it. This time I used sweetened butter, molasses, brown and light brown sugar, milk, flour, eggs, and I made the glaze from an old school powdered sugar, water and buttermilk recipe...and here you have it for the second picture. It's a shame that racism is apparent in all American history. What's worse then that is today people play a blind eye to it like it never existed. Maybe if people are really sincere of the truth then maybe we can sit at the table together to have a slice of the King's Cake. But apparently not everyone believe Afrikans should be KINGS. That's funny, who do you think created kingdoms worldwide? Check the facts!
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I am gaining 5 lbs just looking at this. I have heard of Monkey Bread before but never knew the history. So - where is the recipe or is this a family secret? LOL Thanks for the story Quentin, loved it.
I am gaining 5 lbs just looking at this. I have heard of Monkey Bread before but never knew the history. So - where is the recipe or is this a family secret? LOL Thanks for the story Quentin, loved it.
Comments 2
Thank you Quentin, that is very interesting!!! I looked at the picture and just tried to imagine how it tastes mmmm. Hungry meows here!
I am gaining 5 lbs just looking at this. I have heard of Monkey Bread before but never knew the history. So - where is the recipe or is this a family secret? LOL Thanks for the story Quentin, loved it.