PHP Deprecated: strip_tags(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /home/authorsinfo/public_html/administrator/components/com_easyblog/includes/easyblog.php on line 1745
PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\Registry\Registry::$default is deprecated in /home/authorsinfo/public_html/libraries/vendor/joomla/registry/src/Registry.php on line 937
PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property plgContentLayerslideshow::$context is deprecated in /home/authorsinfo/public_html/plugins/content/layerslideshow/layerslideshow.php on line 38Peace. Yo, I'm back with part 2 of my blog on the "The Right Thing To Do". Instead of a brotha writing another article I decided to produce a documentary film on police brutality and due process reform. At first I was going to leave the subject alone. I put in my 2 cents on how people should conduct themself with the
The "Right" Thing to Do.Part 1 Yo, for the past 8 months the frequency of so-called police brutality incidences in this country has become very alarming. Young men and women are getting beat up while the old men and women are getting abused. What's even more disturbing is violent crime is still the high
I ain't gone lie, that Leslie Jones bit on SNL was hilarious! Seriously, that shit was funny as hell and well performed but most important...truthful. Be that as it may, it was still COONING. What's so sad about it is that it still shows and proves that my people still have not got it together. We still a
Today, grammy winning song writer and one of the fiercest EMCEEs to ever grip a mic just got sentenced to 3 months in a federal prison for not filing her taxes on time. The singer had to pay $1,006,500.00 from her 5yr career earning up to approximatley 2.3 million dollars. The sista actually paid $970.000.00 which le
You authors asked for it...and I got it for ya! Open Book presents Leigh Walls (Illustrator & Writer). Q sat down with former Marvel and FacePalm Comic writer and illustrator Mr. Leigh (pronounced Lee) Walls to give you a glimpse of an illustrator's life. This was filmed in December 2012, so sorry for the late releas
Here it is, a new webisode of Open Book. This webisode was filmed at the 4th Authors Literary Festival in Richmond VA. The festival was a two day event with a Friday night Pre Festival Meet & Greet Party and Saturday was the actual festival. My special guest host was Mrs. Loretta R. Walls author and CEO of Nu Cherte Publishings. Mrs. Walls did
Where were you on September 11, 2001? Me? I had just came home from a 6 month Counter Drug Operation deployment in Central and South America. Yes, I was in the military...the navy. I was only home for 2 days and in New Orleans with my first wife buying food for my (step)daughter's birthday party. She was born on September 12, by the way. After the
This is the scariest thing I witnessed since Magic Johnson said he had HIV. What in the hell happened? You know what's even scarier? Magic Johnson is less than a year younger than Michael Clarke Duncan! Now how in the hell a man with a man "made" disease out lives a man who could kick the Incredible Hulk's ass...and he was a vegetarian! The answer
Who are the real owners of the place we call home? That's a question everyone should be asking in the next presidential election. I think of real common sense questions. Why is this so important? Well this photo was posted on another infamous website and linked to the page with a profile of me on it. What's interesting is this person wrote a captio
Round 2Standby 'cause sh*t is about to get real! Author's Info presents the second part of our interview with Mizz Baltimore Michelle Pebbles Caldwell. In this segment Pebbles talks more about Black Diamond Entertainment and her management of music artists Amazin': GodSon, Xklue, and her son SAVAGE. Also she talks about her childhood, upbringing, l
Oana, if you love doughnuts then let me take you to the motherland. Recently my kids grandmother and I was looking through the cupboards for a crock pot to deep fry some chickens when she introduced me to some of her old cook books. At first I knocked them because these where cookbooks her church published. I'm a member of the Nation of Gods and Ea
Author's Info presents Open Book with Envy Red & Q. This episode we feature Mizz Baltimore Michelle "Pebbles" Caldwell, Photographer. Mizz Pebbles or just Michelle commonly known, is a fan photographer who is coming up on the entertainment scene. Yes, she started as a fan photographer but under the study and guidance of Hip-Hop pioneering legen
Y'all probably want to know where I get these images from? It's from the same infamous site I chose not to name because I don't get a check from them and they should pay people for the amount of time they spend there. That's another discussion. Is there's something wrong with this photo? I don't believe so. it's pretty accurate "according" to today
Yes, that is a supermodel...whatever the hell that is. Once again on another social site this pic of "supermodel" Naomi Campbell was posted with the title of "Unbeweavable" in the caption. At first I thought it was a Haitian refugee being rescued from another earthquake but no that's Naomi Campbell. I was like wow, my girl done turned into a Shaoli
On another infamous social site this picture was posted. It got about 1900 hits with half the number of comments, cool if you want to be popular. What's just as disturbing is the captions that came with the photo. The original or sub caption reads "INSTEAD OF TEACHING HIS SON HOW TO READ OR BECOME A SUCCESSFUL BLACK MAN........NIGGA TRAINI
Above is a picture of Frederico Bruno, he is accused of pushing his ex-girlfriend and 3 month old child out of a window three stories high. He climbs down from the same window, finds a metal bar stool leg and beats her with it as she is lying on top of the 3 month old baby who broke her fall to a concrete ground. Read that over again. Take a
Envy Red breaks the self publishing game down with this jewel from Jaded. Open Book presents the Jaded Episode part 2. In the 2nd half of our interview Envy Red sheds some light on the misconceptions of publishing industry and talks about her next venture Drama Baby. This is a must see episode as Envy and I try to go over the publishing game