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What is the definition of a "Successful" black man and by your or who else's standards?
On another infamous social site this picture was posted. It got about 1900 hits with half the number of comments, cool if you want to be popular. What's just as disturbing is the captions that came with the photo.
Now I commend the person who posted the pic for trying to reach out but then I continued on to read the name of the alias of the person who posted it and let me tell you, that person maybe the person in the same picture or the person who took it. Hey it's all about credibility. Don't be mad, just saying.
The second captions reads "Even got lil bro in a wifebeater waiting for his chance at prison... If he was really teaching him to be a soldier he would teach him how to properly handle a damn gun! That's how come the babies getting shot up because dumb asses holding the gun sideways and shit... he need a ass whipping... smh.... This is some bullshit and it's ain't teaching yo' child how to be a Warrior for the teaching them to be a NIGGAH and we don't need no more of those... stupid ass fucks!"
I once again deeply commend the actions of the person who wrote the second caption but calling this gentlemen a "stupid ass fuck" doesn't bring a civilized resolution to the situation at hand either. Seriously this could end up like one of those usual unpleasant exchange of actions called violence that would put somebody in jail, in the ground or both. I was calling this dude names much worse until I gave him "the benefit of the doubt". It quickly soothed the savage beast.
What in the hell is going on 'round here?! So me, being the asshole that I am, I had to write a comment that goes against the grain or general idea behind the picture and as usual I get cuss'd out. For what? I only asked one question. What is the definition of a "Successful" Black man by America's standards and by ours (my race of people)? Why is this so important? Why should you care? If you cannot give "yourself" a defined standard answer to that question and identify it in any form of current existence, then you can't teach something that's not there. Is the guy in this picture wrong for teaching his son how to handle a gun? What can you teach him to teach his son? Has it EVER occurred to you, someone has already taught the father before the son was even born? So is it survival or selfishness? They say a picture says a thousand words but are any of them in the form of questions? Can you answer any of them? See my point?
That same picture can tell you a lot if you are literate. Is it criminal? Or it is it survival of the fittest? You don't survive by being tough, you survive by being literate. Even animals can "read" between the lines when dealing with humans. There's a huge difference between being "trained" and "tamed". Trained is when you follow instructions under "any" circumstances. Tamed is when you know who's boss and how to deal with them. Does this sound like anybody you know? Don't front! Let's keep it 100. Here's a better example, in the military you follow instructions by who? Enough said. I know, I know, you want to kill me or punch me in the throat.
Be that as it may, you can't change fact of the amount atrocities in common "practice" in the world today. Crime is now big business world wide. America has an average of 5 correctional facilities per state. Talk about a police state! Damn! Let's go back to home boy in the picture above. If America has this many prisons per state and the penalties are lenient for a child to posses a handgun and the father for putting someone's life in danger at that point and in the future, then I "have" to say this man is a man who you would desire to hire for any job with full benefits! Look at this way, if America had only 2 prisons in this entire country you think he would have taken a photo like that and let you live to post it on the web? This is the definition of a Successful Black man. Anybody who is truly literate can understand where I'm coming from. Any person without a definition of "himself" and perform all duties without any assistance, without hindrance and maintains sustainability with very little maintenance to achieve all and any tasks is a...slave.
First of all, what's the real definition of Black, now show and prove it. If you still call yourself Black and DON'T know what Black is by proven definition then you're slave. If you're European and don't "KNOW" the proven definition of Black or White, then you're a racist. Yes all racists DO NOT know the definition of White either. Don't believe me, go ask one. Funniest thing you'll ever see! You can click delete or click on another page all you want! You know I'm right. Let's be literate for a change. I viewed a debate on the internet between Sara Suten Seti vs Brother Alim Bey. At the very end of the video a "God" from the Nation of Gods and Earths made this comment "If a Black child commits any crime, then he's following instructions". I agree with him, not because I'm a member but he's correct. Now can you really show and prove any "Successful" Black man in America, then you may become depressed by the number of brothas who fit the description. Look at the standards! Are those standards yours or someone else's? C'mon now, keep it 100!
Back to Andy Griffin and Opie above, do you know people of other races are relieved at a picture like that? Why? They know you won't be competing or qualifying for something America has. The only land America has for any minority is the land they gone bury you in. Remember property can't ever own property. Or could this be another Mutulu Shakar and Tupac? Understand something, I'm not a fan of Tupac but I do appreciate the Movement he started: THUGLIFE. Now by my standards he was somewhat successful. Like all leaders, he too was assassinated because of his movement and success against all pro-American odds. I say somewhat because he had to deal with real problems in America. Problems? You know, being a savage when he really wanted to reform and educate. Think about it again, America generates its wealth by convincing its citizens to partake activities that does not benefit its citizens just its investors or debt holders. It's the nature of politics and business. You gotta spend the money or they just take from you. It's in the constitutions, if you know how to read. That's a whole other story.
Success for any Black person in America is measured by how well they follow instructions, recall information and execute on command without demand. That's it. Sounds more like religion doesn't it? If you know a Black person that fits that description and this country has a place for them then their existence has been monitored, maintained and purchased before they were born and will continue until they leave. Good job, keep up the great work. You may not be a gun toting thug raising a juvenile delinquent but if you believe you're a minority then according to someone else you're pointed in the "same" direction and it's nowhere near them. Peace.
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Comments 1
Fantastic article Quentin. You cease to amaze me.