PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property SocialSSO::$string is deprecated in /home/authorsinfo/public_html/administrator/components/com_easysocial/includes/dependencies.php on line 123 america - Author's Info Blog
The Affliction Part 1

PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\Registry\Registry::$default is deprecated in /home/authorsinfo/public_html/libraries/vendor/joomla/registry/src/Registry.php on line 937
PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property plgContentLayerslideshow::$context is deprecated in /home/authorsinfo/public_html/plugins/content/layerslideshow/layerslideshow.php on line 38In the capital of Indian country, on the murals of Aztec Avenue and down the street at Ford Motors, it was payday. A perfect storm greeted the Navajo, the Hopi, and the Zuni; even as far away as Arizona, the huge Pima had gathered. Pick-up trucks and ever gleeful children rode in the open air. It didn't matter the highway. Route 666, though having ...
Death to Our Future
In 1950, two million was the count for people housed in the city of Philadelphia. Since then, that number has done nothing but decrease due to the ploys used to keep the numbers beneath a particular quota. The Black Community, give the city a 44.3 percentage rate out of 100 according to the United States Census Bureau of 2012, which means that 55.7
Can We Talk About It?
You are not alone. The exact same thing that are heavy on your mind has been on the mind of others before. Yet, will you let that be a stepping stone or a boulder the weighs you down? The beauty of the internet is that you can reach out to someone. Free yourself to deal with an issue minus the uncomfortableness of actually exposing your personal is
Mahogany Keys: The Complex Image of the African American Man.Part 3.The Black Man as a Protector
   The Black Man as a Protector                                                                                    Pretend you are walking towards home or towards a store entrance and you walk past an African American male. How many of you assume that he must be a bad man seeking to harm you rather than someone who could save your life? Sadly, most
A failed system, or is it?
    Above is a picture of Frederico Bruno, he is accused of pushing his ex-girlfriend and 3 month old child out of a window three stories high.  He climbs down from the same window, finds a metal bar stool leg and beats her with it as she is lying on top of the 3 month old baby who broke her fall to a concrete ground.  Read that over again.  Take a
What is the definition of a "Successful" black man and by your or who else's standards?
     On another infamous social site this picture was posted.  It got about 1900 hits with half the number of comments, cool if you want to be popular.  What's just as disturbing is the captions that came with the photo.   The original or sub caption reads "INSTEAD OF TEACHING HIS SON HOW TO READ OR BECOME A SUCCESSFUL BLACK MAN........NIGGA TRAINI
The Pied Piper Of Woodstock
  The author of this book has written his memories to the best of his recollection from birth until the present-including the events relating to Woodstock 1969 A Review The Pied Piper of Woodstock BY PATRICK WITT GUEST COLUMNIST Friday, October 30, 2009 Most people have never heard of Artie Kornfeld. But without a doubt, they’ve experienced the imp

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