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The Right Thing To Do, Part 2

The Right Thing To Do, Part 2


     Yo, I'm back with part 2 of my blog on the "The Right Thing To Do".  Instead of a brotha writing another article I decided to produce a documentary film on police brutality and due process reform. At first I was going to leave the subject alone.  I put in my 2 cents on how people should conduct themself with the cops but in March of this year I met a sista, Antwynette Houston of Louisville Kentucky.  I read her article on another social media site.  After reading her story I was shocked to find out how serious her case was.  What looked like a local parking infraction turned into an attempted abduction from an off duty Louisville Police officer.  Mrs. Houston suffered a seriously dislocated shoulder injury from the officer.  It's been over a year and she's still in litigations with Louisville Metro Police.                            

    I decided this film should focus on Police Brutality and Due Process Reform.  My reason for this is Mrs. Houston is not the only individual who has suffered from this type of treatment but millions of others and "why" is it still occuring.  That's the scary part!  The film has interviews from regular average people to former law enforcement officers.  I'm still conducting interviews from all over the states and let me tell y'all the reports from people still suffering out number those who were killed by the world's biggest gang.   The film is slated for a fall release.  




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