

More about me

Rebecca Ann Lombardo
Joined Date:
Nov 21 2015
Last Login Date:
21 Nov 2015 10:55:03
My memoir, It's Not Your Journey is available now! Learn how I've dealt with bipolar disorder and how I've recovered from a suicide attempt. A must read for anyone dealing with depression in their life.
Date of Birth:
Mar 23
I'm 42 years old and have been very happily married for 14 years. I live in Michigan with my fantastic husband, Joe. We don't have children, but we have 5 cats that we rescued. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder when I was 19, and I've been battling it every day since. I recently closed down a home-based business that I was running, and have been devoting my time to writing and photography. I write to give my feelings a voice and to help others that are struggling. That is why I started a blog in 2013 after I survived a suicide attempt. I'm proud to say that my blog, "It's Not Your Journey" has now been turned into a book, and was released on August 21, 2015. I consider myself a survivor.

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