

More about me

David Gerald Parle
Joined Date:
Mar 28 2015
Last Login Date:
17 Aug 2015 17:58:14
Retired UK Detective Sergeant
Date of Birth:
Oct 10
I served with UK Police for 30 years investigating the most serious of crimes including murders, rapes, child abuse and many other cases.
I have begun to put to papers so to speak and written my first book Cindy where are you? which involved hours and hours of painstaking work. This was one of many but even so with children as the victims of abuse both physical and sexual then unearthing their rotting bodies tests your mettle to interview the suspects professionally and treating them with kid gloves so to speak.
The long hours and continual work load tests the marriages of many officers with high divorce rates.
I attended many postmortems where fresh and rotting corpses have been subjected to examination by pathologists it's never pleasant and CSI certainly doesn't reflect the reality.

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