

More about me

Graham Sclater
Joined Date:
Sep 15 2013
Last Login Date:
15 Sep 2013 14:16:04
Graham’s first novel “Ticket to Ride” set in Hamburg during the 1960’s was published in 2006 by Flame Books.

Active on developing many projects at any one time, Graham is a prolific writer who carefully researches his subject before reaching for the PC. Many of his projects involve music and his background enables him to combine an unusual mix of original music and script.

Graham Sclater enjoys working in many arenas, using first hand experience of as many subjects as possible, often spending time researching overseas. He is at home writing and developing any concept. He has an understanding of budgeting, the logistics of production, location and direction and has had a number of his projects optioned in the UK and overseas by television and film production companies.

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