
<p>Have you ever given up and when you do, you find that what you were trying to create or get or accomplish shows up in some way?</p>
<p>Or maybe something else happens that's even better than what you were trying to do in the first...
<p>Have you ever given up and when you do, you find that what you were trying to create or get or accomplish shows up in some way?</p>
<p>Or maybe something else happens that's even better than what you were trying to do in the first place?</p>
  1.   Christine Agro
  2.   329 Hits
  3.   0 Replies
Resolved Locked Unanswered
<p>Share your thoughts on Conscious Living - what does it mean to you?  </p>
  1.   Christine Agro
  2.   311 Hits
  3.   4 Replies
  4. Last replied by Anna Mullins
Resolved Locked Unanswered
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