

More about me

JJay Ross
Joined Date:
Jan 25 2011
Last Login Date:
04 Feb 2011 15:55:36
After twenty years of seclusion and harbouring thoughts of publishing, I dove in feet first-my first novel came out in October 2010. Though it was a tough rewrite to publish, most of the story was well received. I am currently working on my third novel (untitled as of yet) and my second is making the rounds by prospective agencies. If nothing else I shall indepentantly publish this work too, soon.
I hope to build an audience that appreciates self-taught and self published authors, with eight thousand new books out each month it is hard to get noticed. I just want to make enough money to be able to pay for the next book, and I have already established a small fan base that can do just that. Now I would like to find a larger audience, for perhaps an eventual movie...

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