

More about me

Kristiene Gray
Joined Date:
Jul 30 2013
Last Login Date:
30 Jul 2013 14:24:21
i have a very special person in my life.

i have chosen to do their bidding and so have removed all stress from my life. as that makes them happy, so i am happy.

my only "limit" is it is legal.

otherwise i have total trust and will do whatever they ask, but as i have chosen this, am i not in control?

i do not send fotos, sex msgs, or want to deal with single guys who only want to jerk off.

if you want to connect - READ MY PROFILE FIRST

please don't ask questions about how am i doing, what am i doing, do i want sex.... the slightest abuse and "unfriend" comes along.

READ MY PROFILE - it is all i can share

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