Time standing still as the heart transcends to a new level...
Accepting the reality of what once was to allow the cautious fantasy to move away from the dream state....
Patiently standing still as the storm begins to subside....
Waves, now calm, no longer crashing against the shores of the unsure... Winds of change no longer guiding unpredictable steps.....
Storms now soft rains with a gentle breeze to release the spirit of any expectation.....
Mind truly set free to explore the oneness of self.....
The soul no longer yearning for the illusion once believed, but quietly waiting for a true love that won't leave.....
No more tears shall be cried, for the journey will continue with open eyes......
Eyes now open to understand true love is a blessing to no one guaranteed.....
So waiting patiently with dry eyes for true love beyond the dream....
Sabrina Daniels
"Forever Love, Eternally Yours"...
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