Tina Brooks McKinney

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Tina Brooks McKinney
Tina Brooks McKinney (Author)
Tina Brooks McKinney (Author)
Tina Brooks McKinney (Author)
Tina Brooks McKinney


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Tina began her writing career as a dare. One of her co-workers challenged her to put her stories on paper and the rest, is history. She recalls thinking they would never see the light of day but one day, she mustered up enough courage to send one in for publication.

Tina’s use of real life situations garners her the title of the reigning drama queen. Her in your face style of writing appeals to a wide audience of readers.

In addition to writing, Tina has thrown her hat in the ring in the publishing industry with the introduction of her publishing company, Taboo Publishing. Tina recognizes the changes in the literary world and sees this as a perfect time to start doing things on her own. She anticipates releasing a few new titles in the next few months.
In addition to writing, Tina has thrown her hat in the ring in the publishing industry with the introduction of her publishing company, Taboo Publishing. Tina recognizes the changes in the literary world and sees this as a perfect time to start doing things on her own. She anticipates releasing a few new titles in the next few months.

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