In the first installment, “Old Nick,” we meet frustrated Franco, his duplicitous wife Carol Ann and the attractive stranger Nick, whose agenda is certainly his own.
The next story “A Glimpse of Eternity” is set in a cozy cabin where two couples, each from different times and circumstances are able to live their most precious moments for eternity.
“Robbie’s APP” allows a look into the lives of Giles and Virginia Thurston. They are rich enough to satisfy their every appetite until Virginia lets her birthday gift, Robbie’s APP, get out of control. Be ready for a delicious ending.
The Triptych Series, a collection of short stories dubbed ‘Hum-hor’, is a combination of humor and horror, the macabre, and the unexpected. Each volume will include three stories as in Triptych art. I’ll be exploring the darker side of human nature a la The Twilight Zone, Alfred Hitchcock, and American Horror Story by putting my characters, some likable and others not so, through their paces.
"These stories read like urban legends, well told with characters who we know. Some of them we like and others we despise, but that's what creates the humor and horror of love gone wrong, out-of-control vanity and endless nostalgia" - Uncle G
Triptych Series Vol. 1
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Mark Giglio
August 22, 2022
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Triptych Series Vol. 1
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Published Date:
May 20, 2015
Original Title:
Triptych Series Vol. 1
Age Group:
18 and Up
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