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"There shall come a time where difference is only a word"
When one has been down in a hole
The only way is up!
When one has been sad,
When things happen,
Which are out of our control.
Then it is time
To stand up,
To fight
To win
To conquer
To walk proud!
To be all you can be,
To know and to feel
To know in your heart
To trust in yourself.
The only way is to take initiative.
The only way is to break the habit.
The only way is to stop hiding.
Hiding from yourself
Hiding behind shadows,
Behind a cloak of despair.
We should learn to embrace life.
When we learn to love who we are,
Exactly the way we are,
We shall discover peace,
"Why me" is a dead end statement
A road to nowhere!
Start living
Go ... wash up!
Stop complaining.
Life is a breeze.
The cards, are in your hands.
When you "think" like a victim!
You become, a victim.
If negative thinking ain't working
Remove it from your life.
For us baldies"
Shut up
Stop whining
Stop whingeing
Stop complaining.
Stop crying.
Wake up!
It's not growing any time soon
It is out of your control!
So stop wasting time
Get a life!
What have we got to lose ... certainly "NOT HAIR"
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