From The Desk Of Benjamin Janey:

I would like to take a moment to personally invite you all to change. My newly released workbook titled, Domestic Violence-The Cure is more than just a book for you to read about cases ad stories pertaining to domestic violence. It is a workbook that consist of many stages and exercises which leads to the cure.

Not once have you ever heard someone say, "I have the cure for domestic violence." The title is more than a bold statement because I am living proof that it's an actual fact. Experience is known as the best teacher. Therefore, what has been in place is treatment. This is not belittling anyone's efforts. However, a person cannot change their ways until they change their minds.

Discussing who, what, when, and where is like preaching to the choir. All parties involved knew this information beforehand because they were there. As time progressed, great minds have only been labeling the different types of abuse to prolong admitting that they don't know why?

Ask yourself, "Is it time for change?" Ask yourself, "Based on the repeated offenses, some we know first hand, can we afford to continue doing business as usual?"

I say yes it's time for change, and no we cannot afford to continue doing business as usual. Keep in mind that it is a business because I've paid $500.00 or more for programs that never addressed why?

To look at domestic violence as just a behavioral problem is like beating a dead horse who's ran it's course. Being that we all have said he or she is crazy for abusing, beating and even murdering someone, let's deal with crazy today.

If someone is crazy, then they are sick in the head. If they are sick in the head, then they are mentally ill. So, my approach to the subject matter is that we have to get our minds right.

The workbook is set up in three sections and are intended not to have a table of contents because we have a tendency just to jump right in because we think we already know. But, I beg your pardon on this one because if you knew better, we would have done better.

In closing, Prevention, Intervention, and Redemption are being dealt with like never before in the world. This you may feel is something you don't need, per se. But, giving the gift of life and becoming a life saver is priceless. Order your copies today at and the life you save might be your own.

Thank you,

Benjamin Janey