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Join the It Matters Group - You May Be the Next Show Guest
Welcome all newcomers to the Authors Info Site! We know you are here or were invited to join the site as someone felt you are a true professional in your specific area, be it writing, publishing, marketing or a part of a large readers group You have something of importance to share with the world.
As you may or may not know, Oana and I host a weekly radio show called, It Matters. It airs every Thursday evening @ 9PM EDT.
We recently came to the decision to book future guests in our open broadcast spots who are professional in manner by being an active member in our It Matters Group Fan Club.
Why? Simple. We want to work with individuals or groups who have something important to say to the world, be it an issue they are passionate about, their latest book release, or a product or service that may be helpful to the listeners. BUT.....we also believe in rewarding those who are supportive of the Author's Info site and particularly the It Matters Group.
What does supportive mean? It means You are actively participating in the It Matters Group by:
#1. Sharing upcoming shows with others you feel may find them of interest (We set up a show event prior to each broadcast which can easily be shared with others)
#2. Taking part as a listener of the shows as often as possible.
#3. Commenting on a show's content after the airing and sharing the Podcast We have both an It Matters Column and the It Matters Group where you may make comments.
#4. Making suggestions on improvements you feel would benefit the show or suggest topics you would like to see on upcoming shows.
#5. Attending chat sessions the Administrator of the It Matters Group sets up for Group Members.
#6. Joining the group site and communicating with members on the site.
We invite you to become part of our group and let Your voice, Your Thoughts, Your opinions be heard.
To Join go to: Community, Groups, and hit the icon on the right hand side of the page that shows a microphone with the It Matters Text or click on:
When you subscribe to the blog, we will send you an e-mail when there are new updates on the site so you wouldn't miss them.