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Hurts So Good: Rhino Revolution

Rhino Revolution, a South African group near famed Kruger Park, who is eager to help the plight of endangered rhinos, yet reluctant in their methods, yet is perhaps one of the most effective means to save the dear rhinos' lives from barbaric poachers who don't even respect protected reserve space.

Rogue helicopters fly over reserve air space hunting for rhinos with majestic horns. Poachers used to fatally shoot rhinos. Now, they are even more cruel. They merely tranquilize the rhinos & proceed to chainsaw their entire faces off, before the numbing effects have even taken full effect. These barbarians learned rhinos' horns start growing in the skulls, so this way ensures they gather it all.

Rhino horn is used in eastern medicine for ingesting it for purported health benefits.  Supporters of such atrocities include supermodel Elle Macpherson, who openly advocates for ingesting rhino horn supplement. Public outcry needs to be loud & clear, speaking out against such cruel practices that not only torture innocent animals but endanger entire important species' populations. Boycotting NBC's show Fashion Star with Elle Macpherson is just one way to send a message that informed citizens will stand at the forefront of the growing movement for animals' rights.  Pleading to local law & government, and lobbying for international pressure & support are also vital means of ending atrocities against these wondrous animals.

In the case of the poor rhinos, they are injected with tranquilizers, often separating babies from mothers, endure the torture of having their face chainsawed off, awaking in unimaginable pain, disoriented, suffering excruciating slow deaths during which they wander for weeks without nose or eyes, unable to see, drink or eat, their face raw open & bleeding, while being victimized by vultures or other predators.  No claimed health benefits are worth causing such horrible suffering to another one of God's amazing creatures! Groups such as Rhino Revolution cut the horns short to dissuade poachers from their areas. Other groups such Green Scorpions are authorized to shoot down rogue unidentified helicopters over reserve air space. Alarmingly, rhinos are now even being "farmed", constrained in concrete pens, & enduring their horns being repeatedly "harvested." Please help spread public awareness & end these atrocious behaviors, while supporting the groups fighting such horrors.

Africa also struggles with exploitation and trophy hunting of endangered leopards, lions, and elephants. Much support for these unfortunate & appalling practices comes from ignorant, greedy and self-centered American tourists. Speak out, stand firm, and defend the animals' rights to lives free from human interference and cruelty!

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