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Pariahs Pimpin' Out Primates
Elle Macpherson should be ashamed, to say the least. With her status & access to the public eye, she should use such means to inform the public of atrocities committed against animals, not openly be an advocate of such horrors! She has not only admitted ingesting rhino horn, but sings its praises regarding health benefits. I doubt the rhinos concur. They are not even killed like past poaching methods, shooting them & sawing off their horns; rather, poachers discovered the horn actually begins in the skull, so to gather all of it, now, rogue helicopters fly over protected reserve space, shoot tranquilizers into the unsuspecting creatures, even moms or babies, chainsaw the rhinos' faces off, leaving them without eyes, nose splayed open & in excruciating pain. These poor dear rhinos awake in agony, disoriented, and wandering around for weeks, suffering a slow torturous death. They are even now farmed in concrete pens with their horns repeatedly "harvested". Such evil, cruel acts are so reprehensible, yet Elle Macpherson gladly turns a blind eye to partake in eastern "medicine". And the west turns a blind eye as well; entertainment "value" is prioritized above all else, as she is cast in NBC's new show, Fashion Star, which should be boycotted to send a message that educated, humane Americans will not stand for such greedy selfish monsters to make a dime while the lives of innocent, defenseless, wondrous endangered beasts pay for it in the most horrific ways. Rather than giving airtime to a self-centered consumer, why not spread awareness of the Green Scorpions, environmental guardians, who fight to protect such exotic animals and reserves' airspace.
It is our responsibility, our privilege as reasoning beings, to seek out information, rather than consume the ways of the ignorant masses, joining them as they fall (or jump) over a self-serving cliff, their insatiably gluttonous bellies full with selfish, callous junk "food", leaping to their own ultimate demise & taking down unwilling victims with them. Rise up, speak out, act against such idiocy & barbarism.
The salacious Supermodel-Turned-Rhino-Killer is sadly only one example of many. Donald Trump's sons proudly hold the body of an endangered leopard in a photo taken when they participated in the exploitative trophy hunting practice in Africa, yet The Apprentice garners more viewers. Obama signed the repeal of a ban on sodomy & bestiality in the military, & legalized horse slaughter for human consumption. Tennessee ordered all pit bulls killed, but in a recent case, Texas elevated the legal status of pets from mere property, recognizing, like family heirlooms, their sentimental value to families; yet, neither stories made headlines. Many states still have atrocious gassing chambers to euthanize over 4 million animals in the "shelters" every year. They are crowded into ovens, and it takes up to 40 minutes for them to panic and suffocate, while they paw & bite, confused, frantic, & desperate to breathe and live. Some do not die & have to endure another round of the horror. And this occurs, while excited, ignorant families enter pet stores to purchase a "designer" puppy, the offspring of a mother overbred & suffering in a cage in a hellish puppy mill. Rodeos & circuses exploit animals for "sport" & entertainment. Hunters kill 200 millions animals per year in the U.S. alone. Laboratories of common cosmetic, cleaning product, and countless other companies skin 100 million constrained animals alive yearly, & prod them w/ devices, electrically shock them, drop chemicals in their eyes, and frankly, torture them, though no legal regulations require it. Ducks suffer painful damage to their throats, as they are force fed for fois gras. Did you know Arnold Schwarzenegger banned fois gras from being on California restaurant menus by March 2012? No? But profuse news of his adultery was reported. Why is there no celebratory outcry for this major step forward for animal welfare? And conversely, no appalled outcry against the sale of lion burgers in Vermont, a species so endangered they have to inevitably be in-bred in attempts to salvage the majestic cats. Pigs are kept confined in cages where they cannot move; mothers can only lie on their side, held down by bars, & nurse babies who cannot bond to them as nature intended. Lambs are ripped from their mothers, killed as their shocked mommies try to retrieve them. All so the "superior" primates, humans, can eat tender pork, and lamb on Easter, ironically a religious holiday celebrating the most humble, loving One whose message is of servitude & mercy. Chickens' beaks are burned off at the tip so they wont peck each other since they are so crowded in factory farms' wire cages. Baby chicks are minced alive. Cows are over-milked until their teats are raw, infected, & oozing pus. They are crowded in fields with no shade or grass, if they are the lucky ones, and then are discarded to slaughterhouses that cram the stressed animals onto slippery floors where they fall in their brothers' blood, are strung up, often still alive, while their legs & horns are sawed off. And all this so McDonald's & other imposters to health can serve fast "food". 59 billion animals die worldwide every year for humans to eat meat, though God provided plenty of nutritious and flavorful foods growing from the earth, not walking on it. 40 million animals per year are barbarically skinned alive for the fur industry, so Rihanna can shop for a coat in a posh NY shop. And in other more recent trends, gorgeous defenseless birds are farmed & plucked alive, often dying from the shock, just so teens and equally selfish, ignorant and shallow participants in the fad can adorn their hair with the "blood" feathers.
And that's just the U.S. and doesnt even begin to cover it. In waters around the globe, the Sea Shepherds fight for marine ecosystems and against illegal whaling for commercial sale of the endangered mammals' meat. However, there is a frightening and dangerous dearth of public awareness, media coverage, and "hands on deck" in support of the causes to protect the voiceless. Who responds to the screams of female orangutans who are captured, tied down & repeatedly raped in brothels in Indonesia? Who saves the dogs in Asia, who are crowded into transport boxes, put into steam ovens, and eaten or used for faux fur products. Who protects exotic animals who are stuffed into canisters and suitcases for illegal trade? In Pakistan, bears' teeth & claws are ripped out, they are chained to a post in the middle of a stadium, & fighting dogs are set upon them. They are not allowed to die, but the fights are stopped just before fatality, so the bears "rest" and face up to seven "fights" per day! has a campaign to sell bricks for the walls of a sanctuary for the bears. Why wouldn't we hear of these causes far more than we hear of Kim K's butt?
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