PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property SocialSSO::$string is deprecated in /home/authorsinfo/public_html/administrator/components/com_easysocial/includes/dependencies.php on line 123 The Ladder - Author's Info Blog
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The Ladder

The Ladder

Think of the life we live as a ladder

To be who we’re mean’t to be & do what we’re mean’t to do

We have to get all the way to the top

Each rung is a different experience or lesson

But along life’s way there are many set-backs

These set-backs cause us to go down the ladder instead of up

Sometimes we may fall off the ladder completely

Which then makes us scared to get back on it again

That’s when we need support, someone to convince us not to be scared

To help us get our foot back on the first rung

Then hold it for us while we climb back up again

Just enough to keep it steady & safe to regain our confidence & trust

Then we can make it the rest of the way up without fear of falling or slipping

Knowing that help is still at hand to support us if we need it

When we need it & the climb starts to get a bit harder again

That support we need comes from family & friends

Sometimes it may come from a total stranger

Who see’s that we need help & offers the hand of friendship

Some of us may feel we’ve made it all the way to the top already

With very little help along the way

But there’s still the risk of falling or slipping even once we’re up there

So we still need to make sure the support is there if needed

So be careful who you pass by on your way to the top

Especially others who you may see struggling with their climb

For if you were to slip or to fall & pass them by on the way down

Would they be the type to stop climbing & then just watch

Until they see you reach the bottom, then carry on climbing

Or to just watch you go past as they carry on climbing

Or to stop climbing & reach out to stop you falling further

Or maybe to take a leap of faith, jump off their ladder

In order to get past & below you

To be there at the bottom to catch you

or to lie down, to soften & break your fall


Copyright © William Gregory 2012

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