Open Book with Envy Red & Q: Touch, Part 1
Q Productions & Author's Info presents: Open Book with Envy Red & Q.  This is the premiere episode of Open Book.  In this episode hosts Envy Red and executive producer Q talk about her novel: Touch.   This is the book that made Envy Red a celebrity.  She has won 5 awards for Touch, and we talk about it in this 2 part int
As a child Promise Brown lived the life that every girl in the ghetto would have loved to live. Her parents, Sweet Pea and Biggs, were the head of a fledging drug empire that stretched from coast to coast. They were way passed hood rich but refused to leave the hood—the same place that contributed to their downfall. The hood bred jealousy and envy
Trayvon Martin: The suspicious behavior behind HIS untold story PART 2
As of April 02, 2012 George Zimmerman has not been charged with any crimes at all.  That is the reason why I wrote this article.  Most importantly, did Trayvon commit any criminal acts the day he was killed?   I see at least three crimes Zimmerman committed before shooting Trayvon with one of these crimes punishable by death in most states*.   Stal