PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property SocialSSO::$string is deprecated in /home/authorsinfo/public_html/administrator/components/com_easysocial/includes/dependencies.php on line 123 Trayvon Martin: The suspicious behavior behind HIS untold story PART 2 - Author's Info Blog
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Trayvon Martin: The suspicious behavior behind HIS untold story PART 2

As of April 02, 2012 George Zimmerman has not been charged with any crimes at all.  That is the reason why I wrote this article.  Most importantly, did Trayvon commit any criminal acts the day he was killed?   I see at least three crimes Zimmerman committed before shooting Trayvon with one of these crimes punishable by death in most states*.


Stalking (he admitted that to the dispatcher) on public streets

Inappropriate behavior with a juvenile

Improper Detainment to Kidnapping* (OJ Simpson, this is how he got convicted)

Displaying a weapon to promote fear

Aggravated Assault to a juvenile


I also produced a re-enactment video demonstrating what I believed happened to Trayvon.   With the help from Diamond Touch Films’ Gregg Brown on camera and actor/model Drew “Bronzy” Cose to show according to the police reports what happened that.  What sticks out is the length of time of the assault.  Zimmerman who CLEARLY identified Trayvon (at night) as a teen to the dispatcher had enough time to think about pulling that trigger.  He had to take time to point the weapon.  In the video we broke down the main factors:


Zimmerman’s defense if he passes a lie detector test 

His so-called injuries

His wet clothes

His weapon


Now pay close attention to Trayvon’s character in this video.  I took in the fact he played sports so he some athletic ability.  Why would he attack Zimmerman first?  In this case, if he would have that’s justifiable but NOT in an predominately white community.  In other words “Boy, you betta watch ya’self in them white neighborhoods” mentality playing in his head.  That’s a street code.  Is it possible Zimmerman cornered Trayvon in that dark grassy breeze way that night?  



Can a you strike someone in the back of the head from standing face to face?

Can I hit you in the face while laying on the ground?

Can I “hold” off a shooting if I SEE a gun in your HAND?

Why didn’t this semi-automatic pistol fire if it wasn’t in a holster?


Zimmerman’s weapon is a Kel-TEC PF9.  In my video I used my revolver for one simple fact.  My revolver has a hammer lock which is standard for newer model revolvers only.  I bought trigger locks for my other guns also but most semi-automatic weapons have safeties and de-cocking levers which you can easily “sweep the safety” as one draws it then squeezes the trigger to fire.  Zimmerman’s pistol is the only model with a hammer lock.  That means you have to pull the trigger for the first shot at least and there isn’t any manual safety.  Likes Glocks, they are ready to fire.

Trayvon was screaming as he was holding off that gun hand.   It’s hard to fight someone toe to toe and yell at the same time.  But if you’re on the ground you can yell as loud as you can easily.  Rape and sexual assault victims know this.  Zimmerman had time to retreat but why should he if has a gun.  Remember Trayvon was cornered.


Did Trayvon run towards Zimmerman after seeing a gun? 

Did Zimmerman try to dodge Trayvon or did he try to catch him?

When is a person deemed defenseless?***

Why did Zimmerman come back with a flashlight if he did?

Did Zimmerman give rescue aid to Trayvon after he shot Trayvon?


Maybe Zimmerman was looking for Trayvon’s exit wound to locate the bullet.  9mm bullets penetrate and pass through humans at a distance of 0 to 10 feet.  If I shoot someone from the ground position that bullet can hit the barrier behind it but if I’m shooting a person who on the laying on the ground the ground is the barrier.  Did Zimmerman physically roll Trayvon’s body over looking for any exit wound and the bullet?


Did Zimmerman have enough time to talk to Trayvon before he pulled the trigger?  Zimmerman could not reason with because he had already broke the law the moment Trayvon reasoned with him first…”What you following for me for?”  I guess what they say is true; dead men tell no tales.  But live men can?     Peace.

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