The purpose of this book isn’t to preach about one thing or another. It is only meant to explain the sensitivity of a man, and the things in my life that affect every aspect of my being-through my experiences with GOD, nature, myself and people, touching upon your heart my reason for living. What I’d like for you to do is to sit back, relax and read, as I recite my life through these words. Feel the joys and pains of my conception to manhood, as this infant of a man takes hold of his umbilical cord to life. Author / Poet Everett Hubbard

From the depths of despair to heights of true love, Everett R. Hubbard soulfully portrays the full breadth of the human experience in The Sensitivity of a Man. This remarkable collection of more than 60 poems and short essays is intensely personal in nature yet universal in scope. Here are moving sketches of the spirit-crushing effects of contemporary …life on a modern black man—and the power of faith in God to raise him up from even the lowest lows. All of them attempt to forge a way out of a cultural mindset that has demanded men—and particularly black men—to sequester their emotions from view. In “Homeless,” Everett examines the interminable connection among all of us and asks what separates the gutter dweller from anyone else. In “Sight Unseen,” a blind man sheds new light on who actually has a physical disability when what really matters is sensing the spirit. In “The Message Pt. 2,” Everett urges his brothers toward a renewed respect for women, based on an eternal and sacred bond. And “The Streets” casts a wary but experienced eye on an urban horror scene, asking, “Is this what we’ve reduced ourselves to?” The answer, Everett finds, is no—as long as we entrust our lives to the Heavenly Father. At once a stark critique of masculine mores, examination of challenges faced by the black community, and stirring call to God, The Sensitivity of a Man will stay with you long after the book is closed.
Everett R. Hubbard was born and raised in Baltimore, where he witnessed many of its changes—for good and bad. He currently lives in Gwynn Oak, Md. The Sensitivity of a Man is his first book.
A Must Read!!!!,March 2, 2011
This review is from: The Sensitivity of a Man: Prose, Thoughts and Poems About Life, Love, Living and a Man’s Search to Find Inner Peace (Paperback)
This is an inspiring arrangement of poetry, thoughts, and just a man’s perspective of the world. Although I am not a man I can learn about how a man thinks, feels, and views life through this book. I reccommend that women give this book to your man, father, brother, and friends. This is a definite MUST READ!!!
The Sensitivity of A man,
A Kid’s Review
This review is from: The Sensitivity of a Man: Prose, Thoughts and Poems About Life, Love, Living and a Man’s Search to Find Inner Peace (Paperback)
This book is a great book for all men and boys that will soon be men. This book helps you to think about life and everything that you see in your life in a different way. To respect it the way it is and the way it is going to change. To look at everything as if all life depends on each living thing. Please read this book and think about life and how we all can help others to love life and everything in it…..”I love this book” Wayne A.Jackson
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