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DJGBC Interview: Rap Artist / Author / BlogTalk Radio Host “Mack Mama” (Pt.1)

DJGBC Interview: Rap Artist / Author / BlogTalk Radio Host “Mack Mama” (Pt.1)

We Gonna Keep This Interview 100..Mack Mama Started With A Life Of Crime ,Went to Jail, Came Out
And Started her Rap Career, Her Business , Her BlogRadio Show & Writing Books…The Is Part 1 Of Her Story !!

“Part 1″ of my 2-part interview with Public Speaker, Radio Personality, Hip Hop Artist & Bestselling Author Mack Mama
I have been referring to you as Mack Mama “The Bad Girl Of Urban Lit” is that okay with you ?

It is an accurate title I’ll take it lol

DJGBC: Okay I know you are from New York City, What Borough?

I am from Brooklyn I was raised in an area called the 90’s (east Flatbush) and Fort Greene projects. I rep Brooklyn to the fullest and consider myself to be one of Bk’s Finest!
DJGBC: When did you decide to get in the Rap Game?

When I was locked up during the Biggie era early 90’s, I saw Big’s Juicy video and lost my mind in the day room. I knew the Notorious Big as Fat Chris from Fulton St. and a few of my homies were in the video, I couldn’t believe they were on T.V and I wanted to rap instantly, in that moment a star was born. I was truly inspired by the late great Biggie Smalls.

DJGBC: Who are some of the artist that you have worked with?

I have worked with Styles P. from D Block we have a hot joint on my soundtrack called Fi fie fo fum. It is a banger! I have a joint with Babs Bunny on one of my underground mix cd’s called O.B.G’s the movement.

I also did a joint with the legendary Dana Dane it’s on his album called “The Great Unknowns”. Shout to Dana he is an awesome person, he is the most humble brother I know. Those are just the well known features but I have worked with the elite of the underground from the south, Midwest, west, and tri-state area. I have 7 mix cd’s under my belt, you can hear my music on my website and on a few mixtape sites.
DJGBC: What album are you promoting right now?

The sound track to my book “Tales of an Original Bad Girl” it’s self-titled “MackMama” it can be purchased on or
DJGBC: What artists would you like to work with on your next project?

Nicki Minaj, Jadakiss, Eve, Dabrat, 50 cent, Meek Mills, Wale, those are my top six celebrity features, my underground artist are Lace Stonze, Moka Blu, Wink loc, Blu Diamond, Official Burn and Scorsazy. That’s to name a few. Those are the next best spitters in the game on the come up.

DJGBC: Enough of the music questions lets talk about your time in prison and how that experience has changed your life.

DJGBC: When did you do you first bid?

I was 16 I did a year in Nassau County Jail, before that I had skid bids on Rikers Island. You would think I would have been scared straight and cooled out, but noooo not my hard-headed ass. I came home and went even harder. Ultimately destroying my life, until this last bid (5years) I came home in 2009 and went hard doing the right thing FINALLY!
DJGBC: What was it that attracted you to the Hustle Game (Getting Money Off The Streets)?

Just that, “Getting money off the streets” I had a serious money addiction, which I battle with daily. It’s in my DNA my mom was a hustler and so was my pops.

I inherited the curse.
DJGBC: Has Doing Time helped or hurt your Rapping/ Writing Career & how?

Hurt it bad! far as missing my opportunity to take it to the next level in the game and come up from the underground. I also feel like every thing happens for a reason and it’s all about timing. My time is coming rapidly I feel it.
DJGBC: What do you say to brothers & sisters about the The Hustle Game now?

The streets are beat! Take the same skills that you acquired hustling in the streets and use it to develop a business and become an entrepreneur. That’s the realest advice I can give. You have to build a foundation think about your retirement plan the streets don’t offer 401k’s. lol
DJGBC: In retrospect was being in prison the end or the beginning for Mack Mama?

My life was destined to be what it Is. Prison saved me! I probably would have been dead.
DJGBC: Did you do a lot of reading in prison if so what books did you read?

Master of the Game by Sidney Sheldon, The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene, Fly Girl by Omar Tyree, Bishop by Miz and those are barely scratching the surface. I was an avid reader during all of my bids so I am certain I have read thousands of books. Those are the books that left a strong impression.

DJGBC: So we touched on your time behind bars, now lets talk about you writing career

DJGBC: Is there anyone in the Writing Game that you admire?

Nikki Turner, Wahida Clark, Sidney Sheldon, James Patterson, Fabiola Joseph, Dashawn Taylor, Alfred Adams Jr, Miz, Noire, those are a few off the top.
DJGBC: What inspired you to write Tales of an Original Bad Girl?

My life, it is my autobiography.
DJGBC: Are your characters based on people that you know?

Everybody is real in that book, real incidents, names, and situations.
DJGBC: Tell us a little about Daisy Jones?

That is my first fiction and I am very proud of that novel. I managed to create a book filled with non-stop drama, twist, and turns and a jaw dropping ending.
DJGBC: How do you feel about the state of the Urban Lit Genre right now.

It’s over saturated with mediocre authors. It’s not special to be an author any more because anybody can upload a “book” and sell it on amazon. Damn near without a cover lol. I came in too late to be honest, I needed to be ‘hittin in the late 90’s early 2000’s. I would be rich by now. I wasn’t thinking about writing back then, so busy chasing paper. I really thought I was going to do it with my music but God has other plans for me, I truly believe that.
DJGBC: Is writing & Rapping Your Career or just a hobby?

Writing is my Husband who takes care of bills, Rapping is my lover who makes me feel gooooood. Lol I am more than an author or rapper I am an entertainer, I make people feel good. That is the secret to a great entertainer.
DJGBC:Who is Mack Mama ?

She is Mackalicious, entertaining, generous, loving and a ball of energetic fun. Above all, she is incredibly talented and a marketing/promoting genius.
DJGBC: What does Mack Mama bring to the Book Writing game?

The real raw and gritty …the TRUTH! I lived all my stories.

DJGBC:I understand you speak a lot to At Risk Youth, tell us a little about what you do?

I love speaking to the youth because they can be molded unlike adults who are set in their ways. I connect to the young girl running around wilding in the streets because I know what she is thinking, and how she is feeling. I was her

She respects me and knows I am not going to lead her in the wrong direction. It’s different from your parents telling you not to do something. You don’t respect their gangsta they haven’t been thru nothing so you start thinking “What do they know?” When Mack Mama speaks the children listen. If not just for that moment, a few will retain the message and make the choice to be better. I get the gratification of knowing I helped inspire someone to change. I love the youth and will never stop trying to save the ones who are going down the wrong path.
DJGBC: Is there anything you find particularly challenging about speaking to young people?

I don’t get resistance, I come at them with the real and love, I don’t do the tough love thing, screaming in their faces and degrading them. I share my testimony and they feel my spirit. I show them love and they love me for it.

The challenge is how can I make what I say resonate so they really listen. One day can’t effectively make a difference. So I am in the process of starting a non- profit mentorship program designed strictly for at risk youth. I also have a new book I am working on called “Lessons from an Original Bad Girl” which will have a built in curriculum.
DJGBC: What makes these kids respect & look up to you?

Soon as they hear that I did 13 years in prison in total, they perk up, shut up and listen. Swear to God they are intrigued by that. I simply don’t fit the stereotype. It fascinates them and they respect my ‘gangsta. I am truly an Original Bad Girl. O.B.G 4 life!
DJGBC: Is speaking to & trying to reach at risk youth your way of giving back to the community?

Absolutely, I have to give back and at least try to reach these babies. I wouldn’t be blessed if I didn’t.
DJGBC: What advice would you give to a young person who is going through a rough time in their life right now?

It really depends on what type of situation they are going through. I can’t call it without knowing the problem. What I can say is the key to success is staying out of prison, education, and good credit. Don’t sleep on that because without your freedom, education and credit you are basically FUCKED! (pardon my French but that’s the appropriate word for that scenario.

DJGBC: I Almost Forgot Congrats On Winning BlogRadio Show Host of the Year !!

Thanks so much that was a coup! I came out of no where and sweeped the votes. I campaigned like I was running for President. I am a sore loser so I have to WIN! lol
DJGBC: You wanna say something real quick about your Blog Talk Radio Show?

Mack Mama’s World Radio is the BEST online radio show because of my raw, real and loving style. Come by on Sundays 11:00pm eastern and see for yourself. Scroll through the archives and hear all the hilarious, wild, past episodes. My shows are mild now, but in the early days it was a zoo. I was the female Howard Stern. Now I am into highlighting other authors and showing them love. I do a lot of interviews, I have had the elite of the literary world, the likes of Treasure E. Blue, J.M Benjamin, Caroline McGill (who I actually got to sing on my show) Eyone Williams, Miz, Dashawn Taylor, and coming up in March the legendary Omar Tyree. Many other artist, entertainers and authors that I didn’t mention. Everybody that has ever been on my show is special and I make them all feel the love.
DJGBC: What can we look forward to on your show?

I am going to start doing more segments on different days like I used to do the demand is great for Topic discussions. I have done every topic imaginable. I have a special Valentines day show I am doing on Feb 13th called “10 Erotic ways to please your mate” It’s going to be co hosted with Fabiola Joseph the author of “The Art of Deceit” she is going to be giving away some sexy toys and I will be giving away copies of Daisy Jones, to a few lucky listeners. We are going to have a blast. I am also cohosting the 2nd Annual Prodigy Literary Awards with Rahiem The-Authortainer Brooks on Feb 19th. That is going to be crazy all the winners of the literary awards will be announced on my show. I am hosting the Literary Oscars!! That is Huge!
DJGBC: What writers would you like to get on your show?

Noire, Wahida Clark, Terry Woods, Vickie Stringer, Styles P, Robert Greene, Jackie Collins and James Patterson, Tionna Smalls

DJGBC: I have so much more to talk about with you, like your 2 books “Tales of an Original Bad Girl” & “Daisy Jones”

Stay Tuned Readers We will bring you “Part 2″ of this interview with “The Bad Girl Of Urban Lit” MACK MAMA very soon!!

Mack Mama

"Daisy Jones By Mack Mama

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