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Interview with Anthony Pathfinder - Author of the Books We Read
About The Author
Anthony Pathfinder was born in Kingston, Jamaica, and moved to the United States as a child. A voracious reader, his love of reading subsequently led to his writing a selection of short stories as a teenager. He has published seven novels. He does not categorize, classify or put a label on what he writes e. g. Romance, Suspense, Adventure, Thriller, Urban Fiction, Action, and Horror. That said, he's building his readership daily and is currently working on a truth-based story entitled, Treasure. He's writing a screenplay for his first novel Fair Game. Anthony is also an editor, proofreader, graphic designer, reviewer, and contributing writer for the Urban Book Source. Writing is his life! He lives and breathes to write. To find out more about him, please visit his website.
Oana: What drives you to write and publish books?
Anthony Pathfinder: Knowing that my work will impact someone's life is the driving force behind what I do. Also, I am motivated by the challenge to grow and mature in my creativity.
Oana: What was the most valuable source of information for you as a self-published author?
Anthony Pathfinder: Researching and reading whatever literature I could find about the self-publishing business. Knowing some aspects of the business is one thing, but getting a full understanding is invaluable. So for me, research is the ultimate source.
Oana: What is the most challenging part of the self-publishing process?
Anthony Pathfinder: There are a number of things; however, having the finances to start and finish the project is most important. That, for me, is the ultimate challenge. Without it, you cannot possibly do anything else.
Oana: Have you ever had an unpleasant publishing experience, and if so, what did you learn from it?
Anthony Pathfinder: I have dealt with several printing presses whose business practices were questionable. I recall one printing press charging me over two thousand dollars for a number of books. I informed them that I would get back to them. I did my research and found a company that charged me fifteen hundred for the same number of books. I was more than satisfied. The lesson I learned was very simple, take your business elsewhere. Networking with other self-publishing authors who have had some success can also be a benefit. They can help in steering you in the right direction.
Oana: Printed book versus e-book. Which one do your readers buy most?
Anthony Pathfinder: They buy both. I have had readers who gave varied reasons as to why they chose one over the other. Some people like the smell of a new book, and others like the e-book; it's as simple as that.
Oana: Please tell us about your marketing venues.
Anthony Pathfinder: I use the streets. Supermarkets. As a matter of fact, anywhere where people are assembled. Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and major and local bookstores.
Oana: How long does it take for an unknown author to ''get their name out?"
Anthony Pathfinder: It is up to that author and how he or she markets him or herself. It's not an easy process, but if one is willing to put in the hard work, the fruits of one labor will certainly come to fruition. So you really can't give a definite timeframe.
Oana: Will e-books replace paperbacks?
Anthony Pathfinder: I really doubt it. I think they both will continue.
Oana: Do reviews play an important role in promoting and selling a book?
Anthony Pathfinder: It does. Reviews can either be negative or positive. But if it's a positive review and the author can capitalize on it, then the end result can be a beneficial one.
Oana: What is the biggest mistake to avoid when self-publishing?
Anthony Pathfinder: Approaching it as if it's easy and not doing the necessary research. Moreover, do not listen to the naysayers.
About Anthony Pathfinder
I was born in Kingston, Jamaica, and moved to the United States as a child. My early years were spent in the Bronx, where I attended elementary, middle, and high school and CUNY Queens College.
I consider myself a citizen of the world. I love to travel, and I love interacting with and learning about other people's cultures. I write because the craft chose me.
Anthony Pathfinder is an author and poet. Raised in the South Bronx, he didn't let his environment define the path he would take in life. A voracious reader, he developed a love of writing and authored several poems before parlaying his interest in writing into a passion for storytelling. He has written and published 12 novels, ranging from urban fiction, historical drama, spy thriller, crime drama, fantasy, and science fiction. Anthony is a lover of Anton Chekhov, Toni Morrison Chinua Achebe, James Baldwin, Iceberg Slim, Mya Angelou, and Robert Ludlum's writings. Anthony is insatiably curious about the complexities of our world and considers himself a citizen of the world.
Feel free to contact Anthony Pathfinder on his author website and social media sites.
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