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The Writer's Life 6/7 - Ray of Light

Ray Bradbury, 91, lived a productive life. He was the author of more than 500 works - short stories, novels, plays, TV scripts and screenplays. His most popular are The Martian Chronicles, Something Wicked This Way Comes, The Illustrated Man and Fahrenheit 451, all of which were adapted to the small or large screen. At present the latter seems to be his most enduring. The title refers to the temperature at which paper will burn. The novel is a cautionary tale, a portrait of a society so dumbed down it begins burning books. Fortunately, that hasn't happened, although in an op-ed piece in today's NY Post Michael A. Walsh likened such a purge to the PC mentality of busy bodies who would gut literary classics of terms and passages deemed offensive. Although I think they're fools, I believe the digital world will save books and free speech from disappearing. The internet is a marvel whose pluses far outweigh its minuses. Even an imagination as fertile as Bradbury's had not foreseen it. He did not go to college, an inspiration to all who did not attend. He taught himself his craft by reading the work of masters in public libraries. Well done, sir. Thank you. Rest in peace.

Just whose side is he on? Bill Clinton claims we are in recession and called for an extension of the Bush tax cuts, heresy to most Democrats. This just hours after he appeared at several NYC fundraisers with the President. One pundit - I don't remember who - suggested Slick Willie, in appearing with Obama, was receiving payment in the forgiveness of Hilary's campaign debt. Heaven forbid the Clintons should dig into their own millions to pay a marker. They are consummate politicians - and that is not a compliment.

The pattern continued - good day followed by slow day at the floating bookshop. My thanks to the gentleman who opted for non-fiction: William Manchester's portrait of General Douglas MacArthur, American Caesar, and a collection of essays by Murray Kempton; and the one who bought a couple of books for his daughter and an Anne Perry thriller for himself.

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A TRIBUTE TO RAY BRADBURY by Salvatore Buttaci
The Writer's Life 6/6 - D-Day

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